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Culture Dimension Scores
  Culture Factor Profile
  Comparison Report -
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Profile Report For: Company ABC
Cultural Dimension Scores

  Standard Scores Sorted High to Low
 Self-interest is the norm 
 Strong loyalty and allegiance 
 Downplays history and tradition 
 Concerned about preserving traditions 
 Non-supportive of employees 
 Supportive of employees 
 Corporate Citizenship 
 Not involved in community 
 Involved in community 
 Family Environment 
 Impersonal environment 
 Family environment 
 Valuing Excellence 
 Just get it done environment 
 Committed to product/service excellence 
 Respect For Individual 
 Indifferent to employee needs 
 Employee needs and feelings valued 
 Lacks confidence, insecure 
 Confident, feels superior and invulnerable 
 Encourages individualism 
 Encourages cooperation and teamwork 
 Ethics and Values 
 Not focused on ethics and values 
 Emphasis placed on ethics and values 
 Respect For Seniority 
 Age and seniority are unimportant 
 Respect for age and seniority 
 Formal Structure 
 Informal, few rules, procedures 
 Many rules, policies, procedures 
 Ignores diversity 
 Values and promotes diversity 
 Work Ethic 
 9 to 5 Mentality 
 Hard work, long hours are the norm 
 Serious, all business 
 Playful, light-hearted 
 On guard, distrusting 
 High level of trust 
 Tight controls of employees 
 Provides high level of independence 
 Results Orientation 
 Focused on task and results 
 Focused on process 
 Learning Organization 
 Accepting of status quo 
 Continuous learning and improvement 
 Secretive, closed 
 Openly shares information 
 Unilateral decision making 
 Participative, consensus oriented 
 Goal Clarity 
 Goals are ambiguous 
 Goals and objects are clearly stated 
 Doesn't value creativity and innovation 
 Values creativity and innovation 
 Practical, pragmatic 
 Values intellectual achievement 
 Change Orientation 
 Static, predictable 
 Continuously changing the organization 
 Feelings and emotions controlled 
 Feelings and emotions openly expressed 
 Financial Urgency 
 Financially secure 
 Concerned about short-term finances 
 Nonconformists are tolerated 
 Strong pressure to conform 
 Freedom from Politics 
 Power struggles, manipulation common 
 Free of politics 
 Not friendly, little socializing 
 Sociable, friendly atmosphere 
 Flat, egalitarian 
 Hierarchical, clear level differentiation 
 Customer Focus 
 Indifferent to customer needs 
 Focused on customer needs and service 
 Avoids conflict 
 Confronts disagreement and conflict 
 Concern For Image 
 Unconcerned about image 
 Concerned about image of success 
 Promotes cooperation 
 Relishes and promotes competition 
 Time Horizon 
 Focuses on long-term planning 
 Reactive, focuses on short-term results 
 Risk Taking 
 Conservative, plays-it-safe 
 Encourages risk taking, new ventures 
 Unconcerned about trade secrets 
 Protective of technology, ideas, plans 
 Externally Focused 
 Insular, provincial, inwardly focused 
 In tune with industry and market 
 Job Security 
 High level of job security 
 Concerned about layoffs 
 Leader's notoriety unimportant 
 Dominated by presence of leader 
 Pedigree is unimportant 
 Values the right credentials and degrees 
 Time Urgency 
 Slow paced, leisurely 
 Time pressured 
 Pressure and Stress 
 Easy-going, relaxed environment 
 Stressful, high pressure environment 
 Patient, reflective 
 Aggressive, seizes opportunities 

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