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Selected Press Coverage

    Fortune Magazine "Rambos In Pinstripes: Why So Many CEOs Are Lousy Leaders" (June 24 1996).  Linda Grant quotes Richard Hagberg, "Under the stress and pressure that go with the job, many CEOs become reactive, listen less, and act impulsively without thinking.  Their impatience drives them to focus on financial goals, which means they fail to build relationships with boards or their employees."
    Business Week "As Leaders, Women Rule" (November 20, 2000). New studies find that female managers outshine their male counterparts in almost every measure.
    Inter@ctive Week "e-Loyalty" (June 12, 2000). When it comes to attracting and retaining talent, "Corporate culture is everything." Rich Hagberg discusses how organizational culture is the key to building employee loyalty.
    CNET News "Older workers cash in on high-tech job growth" (June 7, 2000). Rich Hagberg is cited in Rachel Konrad's look at older workers in the new economy.
    Business Week "Older and Wiser" (May 22, 2000). HCG consultant John Renner provides author Kimberly Weisul with insight on the correlation between age and key personality traits in starting a business.
    HR Symposium 2000   (May 2, 2000). Richard Hagberg is presented with the "Partners in HR Innovation Award" by HR Incorporated, a non-profit organization whose mission is to recognize the contributions of the human resources community and to raise scholarships for undergraduates in the field of human resources.
    "Looking behind the résumé" (April 28, 2000). Denise Ryan examines psychological testing in the hiring process and quotes HCG consultant Arthur Resnikoff on this growing trend.
    Monster Dotcom "Seduced By Startups" (April 18, 2000). Author Sacha Cohen focuses on executives at dotcoms and refers to HCG research on the qualities it takes to be successful at a start-up.
    International Data Corporation (IDC) Bulletin "Human Resourcing Strategies. IT Executive Assessment, Selection, and Development" (February 2000). This analysis by H. Michael Boyd, Ph.D. alludes to Hagberg Consulting Group research in trying to answer the question, "How can an organization make sure it hires the best candidate for an executive IT/IS job?" (This analysis is available for purchase from IDC. Please enter "21353" under the search function on IDC's home page.)
    Forbes Magazine "True or False: I Should Run HP" (December 13, 1999). Supplementing his cover story on the hiring of Carly Fiorina as Hewlett Packard's new CEO, author Quentin Hardy examines Hagberg Consulting Group's personality testing method which played a key role in this process.
    USA Today "Net peeves: Bosses police cyber-slackers" (November 22, 1999). Author Stephanie Armour looks at the increasing tendency of employers to crack down on employees who are using the Internet for personal use while at work. Armour cites Hagberg Consulting Group in providing some tips for keeping workers focused.
    NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw "Breaking Through: Women on the Job" (August 10, 1999). Richard Hagberg is interviewed on the topic of women in business. HCG's Senior Manager Survey is cited in exploring the question, "Are women better suited to be managers than men?"
    Business Leader Magazine "Women Leaders. The Myth of Male Leadership" (May 1, 1999). Author Thomas Walken discusses the role of women managers in traditional male organizations. According to HCG research, "Women managers are better at keeping people informed, better at using influence rather than authority, better at managing a diverse work force, more tolerant of differences, and less bound by social traditions."
    USA Today "New Kids on the Block. The Challenge: Mix Energy, Experience" (April 20, 1999). Stephanie Armour looks at the rise of young executives as Generations X'ers take more supervisory positions. Hagberg Consulting Group research, however, shows that "newer isn't necessarily better."
    Chicago Sun-Times "Techies Face Hurdles as Managers" (April 4, 1999). Bob Weinstein points to HCG research in outlining the challenges faced by information technology managers. In short, the research shows that "information technology managers have a lot to learn when it comes to managing people."
    Entrepreneur Magazine "Do You Act Like An Entrepreneur?" (October 1, 1998). HCG has published The Hagberg Entrepreneurial Index, which highlights the ten traits most characteristic of successful entrepreneurs."
    Fortune Magazine "Managing Fast Growth? Time to get humble" (September 28, 1998). This article explores the role a manager's ego plays in the leadership of a fast-growing company. Daniel Roth quotes Richard Hagberg, "When executives have never had a failure, they tend to believe they're bulletproof or omnipotent."
    Chicago Tribune "A New Manager's first crucial task is the first eight hours on the job." (July 19, 1998). Carol Kleiman quotes Richard Hagberg " You'll be meeting your staff and peers for the first time, and they'll be checking you out."
    CNN Financial Network "Take an Entrepreneur Quiz" (March 12, 1997) Take a short interactive quiz developed by HCG that can help you find out if you've got what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
    San Jose Mercury "Tech firms try new tack to keep best and brightest" (August 27, 1998). Larry Slonaker quotes Richard Hagberg about some firms are willing to work against the accepted wisdom. "Companies are much more willing to invest in turning around executives in trouble, or who have rough edges, today than in the past."
    Chicago Sun-Times "Best job fits like good suit" (August 16, 1998) Bob Weinstein spoke to Rich Hagberg about the secret to finding the job of a lifetime.
    Fortune Magazine "How Should I Deal with a Temperamental Boss"? (June 1, 1998) Anne Fisher refers to Richard Hagberg's study of Troubled Executives.
    Entrepreneur Magazine "Executive Decision. Leadership styles through the ages." (June 1998). Debra Phillips refers to Richard Hagberg's study of 550 CEO's (including entrepreneurs) on at what age do entrepreneurs make the best bosses?
    USA Today "Stress Now Being Recognized as Costly Workplace Hazard" (May 24, 1998). Stephanie Armour quotes Richard Hagberg "I think the way out of this is we need to develop norms that make it OK to set boundaries when it comes to work and life".
    Information Week "Soft Skills Can Be Hard For Tech Managers-Inability To Deal With People Can Short-Circuit A Career" (May 11, 1998). Brian Caruso quotes Ellen Shuck "People in this industry are being promoted based on technical genius, not people skills."
    Entrepreneur Magazine "United We Stand" (April 1998). Heather Page quotes Richard Hagberg "If you're considering an alliance with such a company, you must feel comfortable with their tactics. In the end, it's a matter of considering all the information and deciding if you can all get along."
    Journal of Property Management "Learning to Lead" (March/April 1998). The best leaders combine vision, personality, and control, but your own skills can come closer to this ideal if you have the will to change.
    USA Today "Buzz words of the 90's: Corporate responsibility" (1998). Ellen Neuborne refers to Hagberg's research that shows CEO's as a group are becoming more introverted.
    Wall Street Journal "Breaking the Glass Ceiling: What's Holding Women Back?" (December 14, 1997). Valerie Patterson quotes Richard Hagberg "The team and consensus-building skills women have are the skills required for managing in the 1990's". For more articles on this topic please see Articles and Research "Risk, Rescue, and Righteousness."
    San Francisco Business Times "Women managers score high but still struggle to the top." (November 24, 1997). Sara Treewater refers to Hagbergs' study of women in executive positions.
    Beyond Computing Magazine  (October 1997).  Mark Mehler quotes Richard Hagberg on "Mentoring Your CIO."  "CIOs tend to be very bright people with good ideas, but they operate with a silo mentality instead of taking a company wide view.  They're cool, rational, independent types who need to be more forceful and assertive in selling their ideas to others in the organization.  And they need to build stronger relationships with both their superiors and their subordinates."
    San Jose Mercury "Succession plan prepares a firm for loss of executive " (September 30, 1997).  Sherri Eng quotes Richard Hagberg about Succession Planning in Silicon Valley, "People die, people leave.  If you don't have a leader to step in when the other leader exits, the company goes through some severe floundering,"
    USA Today "Putting Job Seekers To The Test" (July 9, 1997).  Ellen Neuborne quotes Ellen Shuck about the consequences of a bad hiring decision, "The wrong hire on the executive level can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars."
    Los Angeles Times "Going Out on a Limb" (June 23, 1997).  Jennifer Oldham quotes Richard Hagberg in the article titled, "Risk Taking Is Vital to a Company's Creativity and Success."
    The Washington Post "Silicon Valley Scramble" (June 8, 1997).  Elizabeth Corcoran quotes Richard Hagberg about the impact of job jumping on both the employer and employee. "It's like speeding up the survival of the fittest ethic. If there are exciting new technologies, people gravitate to them."
    PCweek "Executives on the Edge" (June 2, 1997). This outlines Hagberg Consulting Group's study, "Executives In Trouble By Job Function." 
    PC Week "Snap hiring decisions can prove very expensive" (May 12 1997). Hagberg Consulting Group offers tips on how to prevent a bad hiring decision.
    Beyond Computing Magazine Managing The Flex Force (April 1997).  John Kador quotes Ellen Shuck. "CEOs must recognize that new rules govern the new work force. Many people who are seeking flexible positions don't want permanent jobs. For them, security is not the driving force. The freedom to move from one interesting project to another is."
    Fortune Magazine "So Much Work, So Little Time" (February 3, 1997). Shelly Branch quotes Richard Hagberg "The demands on a CEO's time have become unbelievable."
    Entrepreneur Magazine (January 1997).  Janean Chun quotes Richard Hagberg,  "A lot of entrepreneurs are borderline extraverts/introverts who can put on a mask and appear to be very outgoing, but leadership is a lonely thing and people who seek leadership tend to be independent, loner types who happen to have good social skills."
    Information Week "Wanted: More Soft Skills" (December 16, 1996).  Marianne Kolbasuk McGee quotes Richard Hagberg about CIOs.  "Many CIOs focus on a vision and managing the execution of a technology plan, but fail in the steps needed in between."
    Fortune Magazine "Take This Job And..." (December 9, 1996).  Justin Martin refers to Hagberg Consulting Group's research findings that characterize entrepreneurs to be opinionated, optimistic, focused, aloof, aggressive, autonomous and prone to risk taking.
    Wall Street Journal Work Week (November 25, 1996). Quoted is Hagberg Consulting Group's study, "Executives In Trouble By Job Function."
    USA Today (September 27, 1996), refers to Hagberg Consulting Group's study, "How Do Presidents Differ From Other Executives."
    Business Week "Portrait of an Entrepreneur" (September 26, 1996).  Jeanne Dugan quotes Richard Hagberg about the profile of an entrepreneur. "Entrepreneurs have an almost innate ability to establish a business and lead the troops through a storm to achieve a mission.  But few have what it takes to be the best leaders on a long-term basis."
    Profiles Magazine (September 1996).  quotes Richard Hagberg, "Most CEOs are too harried and action oriented to sit down and think long term."
    San Jose Mercury News "Technical people who rise may not be top managers" (June 24, 1996). Michelle Quinn refers to Hagberg's study of 500 chief executives.
    "Eye On The '90s" (June 10, 1996). Thom Geier refers to Hagberg Consulting Group's study, "How Presidents Differ From Other Executives."
    "Eye On The '90s" (May 13, 1996). Thom Geier refers to Hagberg Consulting Group's research "70% of CEOs are Introverts, up from 53% in 1991."
    Fortune Magazine "Stirring It Up At Campbell" (May 13 1996). Linda Grant quotes Richard Hagberg about CEOs.  "They get so wrapped up in their own ideas that they fail to communicate strategies downward."
    Wall Street Journal Work Week Column (April 6, 1996), notes Hagberg Consulting Group's research findings, 70% of CEOs are introverts.
    Wall Street Journal Work Week Column (Feb 27, 1996).  Rochelle Sharpe quotes Richard Hagberg about visionary CEOs. "They are so absorbed in what they want their company to be, that they don't communicate their vision downward."
    Continental Magazine (November 1997), refers to Hagberg Consulting Group's fourteen-year on-going study on "The Best Leaders"
    HR Focus Magazine (August 1997), refers to Hagberg Consulting Group's fourteen-year on-going study, "Executives In Trouble By Job Function."
    HR Magazine, Management Development section (August 1996), features an article by Richard Hagberg, "Identify and Help Executives In Trouble."



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