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Prehire Assessment - Arthur Resnikoff
Making better hires?
is a matter of getting?
the right facts?
into a rigorous?

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Assessment and In-Depth Interviewing to Ensure the Best Fit with the Position and Your Organizational Culture

How can Pre Hire Assessment help you?

Making mistakes in hiring at the senior executive level is extremely costly.? A poor hiring decision can cost as much as a million dollars or more at the senior level, considering search fees, relocation costs, signing bonus, and loss of team productivity, not to mention out placement costs and legal fees.? Clearly, hiring the right person for a key management position can make a big difference in productivity and profit.

It is not surprising that many companies make very expensive hiring mistakes. Research in the area of selection and hiring has shown that most in-company interviews by untrained managers produce relatively poor results in terms of predicting a candidate's later performance on the job.? In fact, the ability to predict an executive's management abilities in such cases is little better than chance.

Hagberg Consulting Group's ability to validly and accurately predict an individual's personal characteristics, social and communication style, decision-making ability and management and leadership capabilities, and to assess a candidate's fit with the position and your organizational culture, can greatly increase the amount of objective, reliable information you have on each candidate.? As a result, you will make a much more informed hiring decision and avoid very expensive hiring mistakes.? We enable you to hire the best person for the job, which will make a big difference in productivity and profit.? Additionally, the information we give you on your new hire can help to ensure a faster transition onto his/her new team.

The Hagberg Pre Hire Assessment Process

1. We provide you with a Position Analysis and targeted interview questions.

The process begins after you have identified a list of candidates with the necessary experience and technical skills, but before you have begun interviewing any of them. You begin by completing the Hagberg Position Analysis to define the most important management characteristics and skills required for the position.? We will also interview the hiring manager to determine his/her priorities for this position.? In addition, we will identify key elements of your organizational culture through interviews with your employees and the Hagberg Work Environment Analysis.? We will use this information to provide you with targeted, incisive interview questions you can use, based on the top ten skills you are seeking and your organizational culture.

2. We accurately predict your candidates' management and leadership abilities and assess their fit with the position, their potential boss and your organizational culture.

After you have narrowed down your candidate list to 3 to 5 candidates following your interviews, your candidates will complete the Hagberg Leadership Evaluation, a questionnaire assessing personality, behavior, and work styles.? From a candidate's responses, we can accurately and validly predict how their potential coworkers would rate them on 47 dimensions of personal characteristics, social and communication skills, decision-making style and management and leadership ability, including: delegation, negotiation, decisiveness, vision, motivating others, and facilitating teamwork. The Leadership Evaluation includes a built-in 'faking score' that statistically corrects for candidates' attempts to portray themselves in an overly favorable light.? The benefit to you is a much more honest, accurate and reliable picture of a candidate's true management and leadership abilities.

How can we predict coworkers' evaluations of your candidates' management and leadership performance?? We maintain a proprietary database on the self-assessed and coworker-assessed management and leadership abilities of over 2,500 executives.? Each of these executives has completed the Leadership Evaluation and has also been rated by an average of 25 of their superiors, peers and subordinates on their management and leadership performance.? Using the statistical correlations (multiple regression) between the self-ratings and the coworker ratings, we can now predict the coworker ratings for those individuals who take the Leadership Evaluation.

We also conduct an in-depth psychological interview with each of your candidates, using questions customized from the results of the Position Analysis, our interview with the boss, the Leadership Evaluation, and our analysis of your culture.? The purpose of this interview is to determine which candidate will offer the best possible fit with the requirements of the position, the personality and style of the boss, the team and the organizational culture.????

We then provide telephone and fax feedback to the hiring manager within 48 hours of assessing each candidate, as well as developmental feedback to each candidate.? We meet with the hired candidate and his/her new boss to discuss how to optimize this new work relationship.? Finally, we frequently follow up with our New Leader Transition program, which enables the new hire to hit the ground running with his/her new team.

Can the Hagberg Pre Hire Assessment Process Really Help My Company Make Better Hiring Decisions?

At Hagberg Consulting Group we take tremendous pride in the high number of repeat customers who have come to recognize our pre hire assessment process as a crucial link in the chain of decision making which leads to excellent hiring choices.? Hagberg Consulting Group has experience working with both large, mature companies and smaller, rapidly growing entrepreneurial organizations.? We understand that different resources and management styles are needed for success at different points in a corporation's life cycle.?



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