What is the Organizational Effectiveness Profile?
How was the OEP constructed?
How do organizations use the OEP?
The OEP can be used in a variety of ways:
How is the OEP different from other employee attitude or culture surveys?
(1) Normative data enables you to compare your organization to others
(2) Reports both item data and data on 31 scales
(3) Easier to Interpret
How can the OEP add value to my organization?
How long will the OEP take for my employees to complete?
The OEP takes approximately 1 hour to complete.
top of pageHow should I introduce the OEP to employees who I will ask to fill it out?
This depends on the purpose for which it is being used. However, regardless of the specific purpose:
How do we interpret the OEP results?
Can I add, delete or change scales or items?
The OEP is constructed with "open architecture" so that an organization can delete or add scales or items that are pertinent to its unique situation. However, if scales or items are added, norms are no longer relevant and only raw score averages will be available. If the new scales or items are administered to multiple groups within the organization or re administered over time, norms can be developed for our organization.
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