John Renner, Ph.D.
Dr. Renner is a Consulting Psychologist with more than 25 years of experience as a manager and as a consultant. He specializes in management development and organizational effectiveness and has provided services to clients in 14 countries. He started his consulting career with KPMG Peat Marwick in Canada. He then left to found and manage The ARA Consulting Group, an international consulting firm specializing in management and organizational development. ARA was recently selected by Arthur Andersen, as one of the 50 best-managed private companies in Canada.
As a consultant, he provided executive development services for the clients of the outplacement firm of Lee Hecht Harrison. He subsequently joined the firm as a Senior Vice President and rose to the level of Director of Strategic Development. He was based in London, as the Acting Director of the firm's new UK offices, when the Canadian Institute of Management Consultants and the government of Canada asked him to accept a two-year appointment in Washington at The World Bank. In this newly created role, he functioned as both a staff member of the bank—in his capacity as a management specialist—and advisor for Canadian consultants interested in gaining access to business opportunities associated with the annual $18 billion lending program to developing countries.
At the Hagberg Consulting Group, he has provided executive coaching services and team consultations for clients in small, high-tech start-ups as well as those in highly stable, old-technology multi-national corporations.
Dr. Renner earned his BA degree from the University of California at Riverside and his MA and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Alberta, Canada. He is a licensed psychologist in California.